Wireless Heart Monitoring Trials

I’m currently working on a project over at LJMU (among other things) involving wireless heart monitoring. The project goes live later this month so I’ll talk more about it then but for the time here are some snapshots of my physiology in situations I don’t normally get to record with the “wired to my desktop” setup

In figures 1 and 2 each plot represents one minute of averaged heartbeat rate. Just as a side note my heartbeat rate at rest is typically in the 60-70 bpm range.

Figure 1– Sleep Cycle: Heartbeat rate from 12am to 9am on 07-02-10

Figure 2 – Sleep Cycle: Heartbeat rate from 2am to 9am on 08-02-10

Figure 3 – Travel from the Office to Home

In Figure 3 each plot represents 10 seconds of average heartbeat rate. As you can see when I leave the office I start with a HR of ~70 bpm. But then it skyrockets to ~120 bpm as I walk home. Walking being the subjective term here. I guess the monitor would say I’m more jogging than running. As I reach the train station at 17:35 my heart rate returns to its rest state until I get off the train at 17:45.


The wireless heart monitoring project can be found at The Body Blogger. The project involves the 24×7 recording of my physiological changes which are shared in real-time with this website and twitter. I recently did a talk at Quantified Self London about my experiences as The Body Blogger for which we now have a video.

Cross-posted at http://justkiel.blogspot.com

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About Kiel Gilleade

I'm a computer scientist with a background in the development of physiological interactive systems. I have worked on a range of physiological interactive systems, including computer games, interactive artworks and life tracking. My research interests focus on the development and evaluation of physiologically interactive technologies. I currently based in Antibes, France.

2 thoughts on “Wireless Heart Monitoring Trials

  1. Pingback: Physiological Computing : Who’s afraid of Ghost Stories?

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