This week see’s the release of the talks presented during the Evaluating the User Experience session. To view these talks and more please click here. For guidance about the session 3 talks please consult the abstracts listed below.
Category Archives: News
Technical Difficulties
As some of you may of been aware we migrated the website to a new host today and as expected it didn’t exactly go to plan. When we updated the nameservers for our domain the WordPress database got nuked and so we’ve had to rebuild the site back up. While we’ve restored most of the site (barring the media library which we’ve lost) some parts of the site might still be inoperable as such we’d be grateful if you could let us know when something that was previously working no longer does so in the comments below.
CHI 2011 Workshop – Session 2 “Meaningful Interaction” Videos Online
This week see’s the release of the talks* presented during the Meaningful Interaction session. To view these talks please click here. For guidance about the session 2 talks please consult the abstracts listed below.
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CHI 2011 Workshop – Opening Talk and Session 1 “Input Control” Videos Online
While CHI2011 maybe over we’re still a while away before the bbiCHI2011 workshop can officially wrap-up. For the next four weeks we’ll be releasing the videos we took of the presentated papers (see here for the full list). This week see’s the release of the opening talk Introducing Meaningful Interaction presented by Stephen Fairclough and the three talks presented during the Input Control session.
To view all four talks please click here. For guidance about session 1 talks please consult the abstracts listed below.
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CHI 2011 – Workshop Papers Are Now Online
Workshop papers can be found here.
The Ultimate Relax to Win Dynamic
I came across an article in a Sunday newspaper a couple of weeks ago about an artist called xxxy who has created an installation using a BCI of sorts. I’m piecing this together from what I read in the paper and what I could see on his site, but the general idea is this: person wears a portable EEG rig (I don’t recognise the model) and is placed in a harness with wires reaching up and up and up into the ceiling. The person closes their eyes and relaxes – presumably as they enter a state of alpha augmentation, they begin to levitate courtesy of the wires. The more that they relax or the longer they sustain that state, the higher they go. It’s hard to tell from the video, but the person seems to be suspended around 25-30 feet in the air.
Physiological Computing meets Augmented Reality in a Museum
First of all, an apology – Kiel and I try to keep this blog ticking over, but for most of 2011, we’ve been preoccupied with a couple of large projects and getting things organised for the CHI workshop in May. One of the “things” that led to this hiatus on the blog is a new research project funded by the EU called ARtSENSE, which is the topic of this post.
CHI 2011 – Accepted Workshop Papers
EDIT: Workshop papers can be found here.
Well done everyone, looking forward to meeting you all in May.
- Access and Analysis: the Ethics of Brain-Computer Interfaces (Chauncey, K., Peck, E.)
- The ‘Aha’ Moment: Using Psychophysiological Measures to Identify IT Entrepreneurial Epiphanies (Randolph, A. B., Mourmant, G.)
- Better Brain Interfacing for the Masses: Progress in Event-Related Potential Detection using Commercial Brain Computer Interfaces (Grierson, M., Kiefer, C.)
- Biometric Storyboards visualising meaningful gameplay events (Mirza-Babaei, P., McAllister, G.)
- Directions in Physiological Game Evaluation and Interaction (Nacke, L.)
- Framing Meaningful Adaptation in a Social Context (Peck, E., Lalooses, F., Chauncey, K.)
- Grasp Interaction Using Physiological Sensor Data (Wimmer, R.)
- Issues inherent in controlling the interpretation of the Physiological Cloud (Gilleade, K., Lee, K.)
- Let Me Listen to Your Brain – Physiology-based Interaction in Collaborative Music Composition (Mealla C, S., Väljamäe, A., Bosi, M., Jordà, S.)
- Online single trial ERN detection as an interaction aid in HCI applications (Vi, C., Subramanian, S.)
- Meaningful Human-Computer Interaction Using fNIRS Brain Sensing (Solovey, E., Jacob, R.)
- “Movemental”: Integrating Movement and the Mental Game (Pope, A., Stephens, C.)
- The role of physiological computing in counteracting loneliness (Janssen, J., Westerink, J., IJsselsteijn, W., van der Zwaag, M.)
- Tangent Society – Persistent Mobile Multiplayer Activity Logging Game (Kuikkaniemi, K., Kosunen, I., Laitinen, T., Vilkki, M.)
- Unobtrusive Mood Assessment for Training Applications (Wingrave, C., Hoffman, M., LaViola Jr., J., Sottilare, R.)
CHI 2011 Workshop – Brain and Body Interfaces – Submission Deadline is Next Friday
The submission deadline for the CHI2011 workshop Brain and Body Interfaces: Designing for Meaningful Interaction is next Friday, 28th January 2011. Paper submissions are to be e-mailed to submit (at) For any queries about the workshop please contact me at k.m.gilleade (at)
Studentships in Physiological Computing
Liverpool John Moores University
PhD Studentships in Applied Neuroscience/Psychophysiology
School of Natural Sciences and Psychology
EDIT: Application closed
Please quote Ref: IRC544
Applications are invited for two PhD studentships in the School of Natural Sciences and Psychology. The studentships consist of a tax-free stipend (currently £13,590 per annum for the 2010-2011 academic year) and tuition fees.
We seek candidates with a strong research background and interest in physiological computing research ( for a new research project funded by the EU. Specifically we are seeking to fund studentships in two areas associated with this project: –
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